Justin Disborough

Justin Disborough's Fundraiser

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Help me spread my passion

Born and Raised on the Water it never leaves you


$1,175 towards $5,000

Born and raised on the waters of Annapolis, there has always been a place I call home. On our waters. Thrown in a boat at age seven, I loved using the miracle of wind. With a little competitive nature and strong winds, I was hooked on the sport of racing. Enjoying small boats and throwing my weight around to jump on that 4' roller coming in under 20+ knots separated me from the pack. Your add 35 years to it, and it makes sense I am now in a chair

"Why God, Why God me?" That question I kicked around a lot, laying in a rehab hospital for weeks after, while Covid created depressing quiet evenings laying on my back. I first thought it was because I deserved it. After all, I may have. I had been pushing this wild man lifestyle for too long, and it finally caught up to me. It wasn't until a year or so later that the same statement of "Why God, Why?" really became clear for only two reasons: 1. To be the best father I could possibly be to my young son, and 2. To help others go through similar situations with a positive and optimistic outlook.

I thought sailing had been a thing of the past. After all, what college grad has any money to race boats of this caliber? Fast forward twenty years, and I have found an incredible organization that gets people with all kinds of disabilities to experience that freeing sport as I did thirty-five years earlier. With a new life where I will never be able to stand up again, do you know what CRAB does for me? It takes me the furthest from my wheelchair, my security, and my ‘legs’ that I have ever been.

Thank you for considering CRAB, a world-class organization to support.

Enough about me,

CRAB was founded on the principle that people with disabilities can and should be able to live fulfilling and joyful lives and have equitable access to meaningful, therapeutic sailing. One mother had this to say, “CRAB has changed my son’s life and given him the love of sailing! One sail at a time, he’s falling in love with sailing and himself!”

As part of a strategic plan to increase the size, scope, and impact of CRAB's mission and programs, CRAB opened the premier Adaptive Boating Center in April 2023. This clearly demonstrates the CRAB's commitment to providing a safe and enjoyable experience for people of all abilities. CRAB and the ABC strive to ensure that all its guests feel welcome and comfortable during their time there, and the numbers speak for themselves. The ABC is a shining example of how a modern facility can be designed to be accessible and inclusive for all people. When guests arrive at the Adaptive Boating Center, they are amazed at the thought and planning that went into creating the state-of-the-art facility.

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for CHESAPEAKE REGION ACCESSIBLE BOATING INC